Updated Information
What is 1R, 1K, 1DK and 1LDK
Property Knowledge
Exploring Koenji: A Harmonious Blend of City Convenience and Creative Culture
Exploring Tokyo
What are the costs incurred when buying a property in Japan?
Property Knowledge
Essential Knowledge for Property Investment in Japan (Part 2): Understanding Japan’s Earthquake Resistance Structures and Technology
Property Knowledge
Essential Knowledge for Property Investment in Japan (Part 1): Understanding Japan’s Earthquake Resistance Standards
Property Knowledge
A guide for foreigners buying real estate in Japan.
Property Knowledge
Corporate Tax
In Japan, companies and organizations are required to pay Corporate Tax(法人税)on their income. In real estate transactions, corporations are also required to pay corporate tax when buying or selling properties. The tax is calculated based on the company’s earnings, so the more profit a business makes, the more tax it has to pay. This tax is paid to the national government and is an important part of the financial responsibilities for companies in Japan. Additionally, it may change with tax reforms.
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