Updated Information
What is 1R, 1K, 1DK and 1LDK
Property Knowledge
Exploring Koenji: A Harmonious Blend of City Convenience and Creative Culture
Exploring Tokyo
What are the costs incurred when buying a property in Japan?
Property Knowledge
Essential Knowledge for Property Investment in Japan (Part 2): Understanding Japan’s Earthquake Resistance Structures and Technology
Property Knowledge
Essential Knowledge for Property Investment in Japan (Part 1): Understanding Japan’s Earthquake Resistance Standards
Property Knowledge
A guide for foreigners buying real estate in Japan.
Property Knowledge
Building Coverage Ratio
Building Coverage Ratio(建蔽率)means the percentage of a building’s area compared to the land area. It sets a limit on how much of the land can be covered by the building to make sure there is good ventilation, sunlight, and safety.
Building Coverage Ratio (%) = (Building Area / Land Area) × 100
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