Updated Information
What is 1R, 1K, 1DK and 1LDK
Property Knowledge
Exploring Koenji: A Harmonious Blend of City Convenience and Creative Culture
Exploring Tokyo
What are the costs incurred when buying a property in Japan?
Property Knowledge
Essential Knowledge for Property Investment in Japan (Part 2): Understanding Japan’s Earthquake Resistance Structures and Technology
Property Knowledge
Essential Knowledge for Property Investment in Japan (Part 1): Understanding Japan’s Earthquake Resistance Standards
Property Knowledge
A guide for foreigners buying real estate in Japan.
Property Knowledge
Boundary Line Map
Boundary Line Map(土地境界図)shows the borders of a specific piece of land. This map is used to clearly define the boundaries between the landowner’s property and neighboring properties. Knowing the exact borders is essential when selling land, dividing it, or planning a building project. Usually, a surveyor makes this map after measuring the land, helping to prevent future disputes. This map is an important document in real estate transactions and land development.
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